A large event often needs backup power. Mega Genset Malaysia offers supply and rental of Generators for all types of event hall. Regardless of whether you are planning for backup power for a sporting event or concert, or a corporate event needing a reliable power source, we’ve got you covered. With our professional technicians , you can rest assured that your event will have dependable power to go smoothly until the end. Our technical expertise will provide excellent solutions for your next event.
For instance, recently, our technicians installed a 160kVA generator together with two units of Automatic Transfer Switches (ATS) at a KLCC event hall. We also did the installation and supplied cables.
1. Events require backup power
If you are not sure if your event requires power generators, contact us. Here are few examples of public and private events that should have them because it can be embarrassing if power suddenly fails:
- Corporate Events – Should you always consider generators if you are planning a conference, board meeting, outdoor team building or any other business-related event that demands power? The answer is yes without a doubt! Backup generator provides reliable power in the event to ensure that your guests are in content.
- Concerts, Festivals & Outdoor Performances – Who doesn’t want that the technical faults forever absence? No participants wants the show being ruined. That’s why we are here to provide trustworthy power source for outside performances – from concerts and plays to festivals and more.
2. A backup generator allows you to charge premium fees to your customer
For instance, if your customer from Intel are renting your event hall to held an corporate event, you don’t want their event to be ruined by sudden blackout right? No worries! Our genset provide reliable backup power to take care of your event hall’s main power and customer. The benefit of owning a backup generator not only allows you to charge premium fees to customer, but also reaching a win-win situation.
3. No human intervention required (Automatic Transfer Switch, Oversight Module)
Automatic Transfer Switch shall changeover from TNB to Genset. It will automatically switch on the backup generator when TNB cut off. Oversight Module can be accessed via tablet or smartphone apps via a user-friendly interface to allows people to check your access critical notifications, identity faults, and system status, in terms to reduce your operation and maintenance costs and increase the productivity of production. If you are unsure about how to install the ATS or Oversight Module, do inquire us, we are here for you.
4. One backup generator can backup two distribution box with two different TNB meter

Owning a backup generator is so great to make good things happen. So what are you waiting for? Call us now below!