We supply generators to worker hostels and construction sites. The genset suited is 15kVA to 160kVA.
This is our recent customer who bought 2 units of 30kVA generator to power their worker's hostel. Our gensets are fuel saving generator, perfect choice for those place that do not have TNB power supply especially in rural area. With our generator will give them a better and comfortable environments.

Genset Training
We also provide generator training services. Customer may request for our technician to do genset training for their technician or electrical staff. Our technician will teach how to turn on the genset and how to turn off, what are those things need to be aware of such as radiator water level, lubricant oil level and etc. They will also teach on how to do cabling to the genset. Without training you also can download our "Genset Assistant" app, inside got a lot of genset information.

Automatic Transfer Switch
Our customer also bought our Automatic Transfer Switch to match with our genset. Our ATS's function will be to turn on the genset when there is power cut off. Also can be use to switch genset to another genset after 12 hours running.