Generator Certification

In Malaysia , certain project sites require generator to be certified by the Energy Commission of Malaysia, also known as Suruhanjaya Tenaga (ST). This is especially important for projects sites , Power Plants Projects, Waterfield Project . This is because, with generator, it would need to have met certain standards which include safety of operation and reliability of the generator. Here in Mega Genset Malaysia , we provide such certifications for the generators that we provide. This is especially for our MGM Generators .

In addition to project sites , generators in office towers would also require the ST Certification. This is to ensure these generators inside the buildings are safe to be used and works in times of emergencies. An example of a requirement for a generator in an office tower is the generator needs to be able to restore power to the entire building within 15 seconds of power failure. This requirement is difficult to achieve with used generators but are easier with the new generators purchases.
If you need a generator to be certified for Suruhanjaya Tenaga, please contact us immediately and we will do our best to assist you. Whether you already have your own generator or if you want to purchase MGM generator would be so good , we will help you to get ST certification